
Octopress + Bootstrap Starter Kit

Octopress + Bootstrap—Ready to go right out-of-the-box.

Get Octostrap

1% setup. 99% productivity. It'll blow your mind.

Octopress makes managing static sites and blogs as easy as can be. Bootstrap does the same thing for front-end development and styling.

Octostrap is the baby everyone wanted them to have.

Do anything. Octostrap won't stand in your way.

Octopress is known for its impressive flexibility to make any page wanted, at any URL, and there’s no complicated CMS or admins or other crap getting in the way.

Bootstrap excels at providing a clean and consistent framework for building up any UI imaginable.

Octostrap steps back and lets both of them shine together.

Static. Speed.

Not every nail needs a server-side framework+database hammer.

Not everyone who wants a website or blog wants to figure out how to setup a database, proxy requests, or build models+views+controllers.

Octostrap has you covered.